  • 期刊


Research on Tao Ocean Myths and Legends and Ritual Culture in Syaman Rapongan's "The Eye of the Sea"


本文乃根據夏曼.藍波安於《大海之眼:Mata nu Wawa》中,所描述的達悟族海洋神話傳說、與歲時祭儀文化進行歸納分析,重要的海洋文化之核心問題意識,諸如壹、緒論-達悟族海洋文化哲學;貳、「海神伐巫右Vawuyou」與「Pazos驅魔儀式」之傳說;參、「驅魔儀式」之「小魔鬼惡靈傳說」與「祖靈日」之驅除惡靈儀式;肆、泛靈信仰之「祖傳銀帽」與「河川家族SIRA DO SANUSUN」滅族傳說;伍、「跨海遠行儀式」之納福禱詞與「人形紋頸鍊aotawu Nakzaka」;陸、達悟族「命名儀式」之「立臺灣Ji teiwan」與「島魂之歌」古調;柒、「萬物皆有靈」之山神樹魂、「男人魚女人魚」與「海洋喪葬儀式」;捌、結論之達悟族海洋文化精神……等達悟族海洋文化智慧之歸納分析,讓諸多達悟族重要海洋文化精神、與初民祖先的生活原貌,均躍然於紙上外,也見證達悟人在面臨多變的海洋、與海島環境緊密的相互依存關係,同時見證達悟族與海洋、山林親近依存的文化哲學精髓外;更見證達悟族文化歷經傳統與現代創新之文化傳承與變遷,開創出達悟族文化發展的新紀元。


This article is based on the inductive analysis of the marine myths and legends of the Tao people and the sacrificial culture at the age of the sea described by Syaman Rapongan in "The Eye of the Sea:Mata nu Wawa". Important awareness of the core issues of marine culture, such as 1. Introduction - The marine culture and philosophy of the Tao people; 2. The legend of "Vawuyou" and the "Pazos exorcism ceremony"; Ceremony; 4. "Ancestral Silver Hat" of Animism and the legend of SIRADO SANUSUN's genocide; 5. Prayer of blessing and "aotawu Nakzaka" of "Ceremony of Crossing the Sea"; 6. The ancient tunes of "Taiwan" (Ji teiwan) and "Song of the Island Soul" in the "naming ceremony" of the Tao people; Ceremony"; 8. The conclusion of Tao's marine cultural spirit... etc. The inductive analysis of the marine cultural wisdom of the Tao people makes many important marine cultural spirits of the Tao people, and the original life of the ancestors of the early people, all come to the fore. At the same time, it witnesses the cultural and philosophical essence of the close dependence of the Tao people on the ocean, mountains and forests; it also witnesses the cultural inheritance and changes of the Tao people's culture through tradition and modern innovation, creating a new era for the development of the Tao people's culture.


