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Experience of Caring for an Alcoholic Cirrhotic Liver



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The present case describes a middle-aged male patient with alcoholic cirrhosis from alcohol abuse. The patient was admitted to the hospital for his ascites and vomiting of coffee-colored liquid. The patient experienced alcohol withdrawal syndrome and because of a lack of psychological adjustment skills and a family support system, caused several incidences of emotional outbursts and aggressive behaviors toward the medical staff. From January 27, 2021 to February 4, data was collected through five levels of holistic care assessment and three major health problems were identified: fluid overload, ineffective coping and family dysfunction. Measures such as incased physical activity, dietary education and close monitoring of the intake and output amount were taken to maintain fluid balance and improve physiological symptoms. Relaxation techniques, participation in religious activities and singing sessions in the ward helped the patient to relieve stress and develop personal coping techniques. Through the establishment of trust and after communicating and discussing with the patient's brother, he was willing to accompany the patient to the sobriety program. This enhanced the patient's motivation and strengthened psychological support. We hope that the experience presented serves as a reference to other nursing staff when encountering similar cases in the future.


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