  • 期刊


Characteristics, Traveling Motivations and Place Identity of Tainan Heritage House Tourists




Old houses are often labeled "shabby", "messy", "lag-behind", and "abandoned". However, Tainan old houses have turned into heritages and been popular in recent years. This study explored the evolution of Tainan heritage house tourism, and further discussed the demographic characteristics, traveling motivations, and place identity of Tainan heritage house tourists. Major findings of the study include: (1) Tainan heritage house tours were most popular with the female, 21 to 29 year-old, college educated, and students; (2) travel information sources of Tainan heritage house tours were mainly from tourists' friends or family members and the Internet; (3) major traveling motivations of Tainan heritage house tourists were relaxing, having fun, appreciation of buildings, enjoying life space, and invitations from friends or family members; (4) tourists most agreed that Tainan heritage houses were worth recommending, important culture property of Tainan, impressive tour image, and preserving Taiwan local specials; (5) traveling motivations and place identity were significantly different based on tourists' demographic factors.
