  • 期刊


A Systematic Review on Hypertension Before and Amongst the Post-Pandemic Era


在過去的30年間,全球成年人的高血壓盛行率上升了1倍,由6.48億上升到12.78億人口,高血壓已成全球開發中及已開發國家裡非常普遍的疾病。根據2021年臺灣衛生福利部發表的統計,台灣每年總死亡人數的1/3可歸因於高血壓所引發的心臟血管相關疾病。2022年5月發佈的《台灣高血壓指引》中,高血壓標準值已下修,由往年的140/90毫米汞柱(mmHg)下調至130/80毫米汞柱(mmHg),與美國自2017年修訂的標準相同。而由2019年年末開始擴散蔓延到全球的新冠肺炎(Coronavirus 2019)之重症與致死率近來也被國外文獻證實與高血壓有高度相關。目前台灣尚無許多研究探討高血壓與Covid-19的關連,但在此後疫情時期更需醫療體系專家對此領域投入更多的探討。本篇文章藉由歷年文獻,詳細回顧高血壓在不同年齡層的盛行率、原因、症狀、併發症、非藥物與藥物治療。


In the past 30 years, the prevalence rate of hypertension is double around the world, from 648 million populations in 1990 to 1,278 million in 2019. Hypertension has become a very common and widespread chronic disease in both developing and developed countries. Based on a 2021 publication from Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan, every year there is about one third of the total death population to be attributed to the complications and related cardiovascular (CV) diseases. In May 2022《Taiwan Hypertension Guidelines》indicated to lower hypertension criteria from 140/90 mmHg to 130/80 mmHg for Taiwanese population, using the same criteria adopted in the U.S since 2017. Furthermore, Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19), the pandemic started at the end of 2019, the mortality rate was proved to have a high correlation with hypertension in many studies. Currently there is no sufficient studies in Taiwan to discuss the relationship between hypertension and Covid-19, however it is necessary to encourage the medical experts to further explore this relationship among Taiwanese population in this post-pandemic era. This study aims to provide a thorough systematic review on hypertension on its prevalence rate in all age groups, its causes, symptoms, complications as well as non-medication treatments and medications.
