  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Coincidental Tumors in the Main and an Accessory Parotid Gland


Introduction. We are presenting a rare case of a patient who developed simultaneous tumors in the main parotid gland (MPG) and an accessory parotid gland (APG). The APG tumor was not recognized when the more prominent MPG tumor was excised.We will discuss the clinical features of this case. Case presentation. A 66-year-old woman was referred to our department with a painless right cheek mass. Her past medical history was notable for a right MPG tumor excision at the age of 62. A retrospective review of the original MRI films revealed that a small APG tumor was present prior to the removal of the MPG tumor. Conclusion. Although the coincidental presence of the MPG and APG tumors is quite rare, this case shows the importance of identifying the smaller and potentially more sinister lesion involving the APG when it is present while preparing for the MPG tumor excision.
