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Social Mobilization and the Formation of the Local Identity: The Sacrifice Rituals of the Temple of City God in Hsinchu of Taiwan in the Late Qing Dynasty



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The Temple of City God in Hsinchu, famous for its annual rituals for ghost festival, since the 1850s experienced a transition from an official temple to a popular temple. The historical change in its rituals reflects active participation from the local people and gentry families in the context of the growth of the local economy, a rise of regional militarization, and a resulting phenomenon of social mobilization. Yet, the development did not occur with a gradual departure from state authority. Quite the contrary, the local elite continued to utilize the orthodoxy and official control that the City God could exert from old times to promote the City God as a symbol of Hsinchu to this date. The gradual marginalization of Hsinchu in its dwindling of the administrative sphere, and its decreasing political and economic significance overshadowed by Taipei in the last decades of the nineteenth century, led to the growth of a local identity exclusively to people of Hsinchu.


國立臺灣大學「臺灣歷史數位圖書館」(THDL)查詢《淡新檔案》中「城隍」之記錄,最早的是16404案第1件中在「城隍廟」邊一名佃人欠納租谷的記載,http://doi.org/10.6681/NTURCDH. DB_THDL/ntul-od-th16404_001. jpg
丁仁傑,〈譯者導言〉,載焦大衛 (David K. Jordan)著、丁仁傑譯,《神.鬼.祖先:一個臺灣鄉村的民間信仰》(臺北:聯經出版事業股份有限公司,2012),頁xix-lxvi
Paul R. Katz,“Chapter 6 Identity Politics and the Study of Popular Religion In Postwar Taiwan, " in Religion and the Formation of Taiwanese Identities, eds. Paul R. Katz and Murray Rubinstein (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), 157,161-162.
