  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Uncontrolled Urbanisation in Ghana: A Concern for Food Systems in the Wa Municipality


Even though food remains a basic need of man, the world still battles with food insecurity due to persistent constraints with food production systems especially in the Global South. The 2007/2008 food price hikes globally re-energised investment in innovative strategies of food production including urban agriculture. Unfortunately, uncontrolled urbanisation, incomprehensive and unsustainable land use systems have impacted gravely on food production in African cities. The effectiveness of food systems depends on efficient spatial and infrastructure planning mechanisms for spatial allocation to various land uses. This study was undertaken in the Wa Municipality in order to assess the impact of urbanisation and land use allocation strategies on the food production component of the food system within the context of existing land tenure systems and farming practices of the local people. Both explorative and descriptive research approaches were used to address the study objectives. The study revealed that indeed large tracts of hitherto agricultural land are indiscriminately being converted to urban infrastructure especially housing; yet the authorised planning institutions remain unable to formulate, implement and enforce land use plans that safeguard agricultural lands. Based on the general findings, strong policies and institutions are necessary to reserve high potential agricultural zones for agricultural purposes even within the city enclaves.
