  • 會議論文

李箱과 翁鬧 모더니즘 소설의 인물 양상 비교

A Comparative Study on the Modernism Novels Between Lee Sang and Weng Nao


This study of the Lee Sang and Weng Nao were aimed at a comparison of modernism. Lee Sang and Weng Nao, respectively, in Korea and Taiwan in the 1930s, is regarded as an important writer in the formative period of literary modernism. The novels of two authors have characteristics of Japanese modernism. In this paper, by assuming it, the novel's characters were compared as a whole. The two artists have following characteristics in common. Their new artistic expressions to meet the colonial oppression of the 1930s situation has created a novel technique of modernism. Especially, the inner world of the subject alienated and isolated from the real world, due to the contradictory of capitalist society was channeled into a variety of techniques in their works. In addition, both the two authors commonly captured several aspects of marginalized people forced to live in the context of the colonies and embodied them in modernism novels. In a section in chapter 3, the figures able not to adapt to colonial social system were compared: Critical figures through maladjusted intellectuals of colonial society cut off real society trying to escape from closed their lives through 「Wings (날개)」 of Lee Sang and 「Love Story before Sunrise (天亮前愛情故事)」 of Weng Nao. In section 2, figures who do not adapt to everydayness under colonial rule are compared: Characters feeling fear of repeated daily 「Map of the Darkroom(지도의 암실)」 of Lee Sang and characters repeating the same boring stuff every day under colonial rule through 「Silly Peter Tsai(憨伯仔)」 of Weng Nao.


Lee Sang Weng Nao marginalized people colonial modernism
