  • 會議論文

염상섭의『삼대』와 巴金의『家』에 구현된 세대간 갈등양상 연구


This essay is a comparative research about Yeom, sangsup's Three Generations and Ba jin'sThe Family. Two works showed process of modernization about Korean and Chinese through each family. They illustrated the conflicts between traditional values on the basis of Confucian ideas and westernized, modern values. It could be read that the grand-fathers representsthe old generations, the grandchildren are the new generations who against them, and the fathers are filled with anguish between two generations. This is a most common ground about two works. The other way, two countries had different political conditions. These conditions are reflectedin two works. Therefore, the events and the peoples in two works are formeddifferently by characteristics of each country. May forth movement made new generations argued for aggressive change, meanwhile, repressed Chosun society by the Japanese Empire has remarkable passive and shady resistance after 3.1 independence movement. 1930s Korea and China were caught in a maelstrom of sudden politic changes and at the same time, the values among generations were considerably different. The goal of this essay is to understand contemporary society and people's value by comparing these gap among generations.


