  • 期刊


Study of Ni-V Alloys Electrodeposition and it's Electrocatalysts Property for Hydrogen Evolution


本文分別研究以鈦和鐵為基體的鎳釩合金電鍍,鍍層經結合力測試、鹽霧試驗、硬度測定、高溫試驗、電子探針測試證明其結合力強、硬度大、耐腐蝕和耐熱性優良。陰極極化曲線指出,以Ti基體的Ni-V合金鍍層作陰極,在電解300 g/L NaCl, 60℃ D_K =20mA/cm^2,能降低氫超電與170 mV,而在電解1 mol/L MnSO_4 +0.5 mol/L H_2SO_4,80℃,D_K =10mA/cm^2,析氫超電勢比石墨電極降低520 mV,說明以做為基體的Ni -V合金鍍層是優良的析氫電催化陰極。


The electroplating of nickel and vanadium alloys on either a titanium or steel substrate has been investigated. The cathode polarization curves has been showed. The deposits of Ni-V alloys on titanium substrate can reduced H_2 overpotatial 170 mV. Under electrolysis 300 g/L NaCI at 60°C and 20 mAl cm^2, which can reduced 520 mV (vs, graphite cathode) at 80°C, 10 mA/cm^2 Ni-V alloys plating on steel substrate can reduce-280mV under electrolysis ImoV L MnSO_4+ 0.5 mol/L H_2SO_4 at 80℃ and 10 rnA/cm^2. This illustrates Ni-V deposits is a good electrocatalyst cathods for H_2 evolution.
