  • 期刊


Real-Time and Remote Measuring AmbientVolatile Organic Compounds


利用自行開發組裝之揮發性有機氣體(VOC)前濃縮系統及GC/FID搭配自動控製軟體及遠端搖控軟體,針對空氣中C_3-C_7的物種進行遠端即時連續監控。完成之系統部署於環保空氣品質中壢交通測站,自1999年8月中旬到9月下甸為止,進行一連串之測量,透過網路連線立即查知測站情況,下達適當指令至堅測地點以控制自動化分析系統,並可下載測站資料。藉由環保署測站發現有NDIR之一氧化碳量測資料與本系統量測之同為汽機車排放揮發性有機氣體如Benzene做比對,發現有很好的相關性,藉以證明本系統有良好之穩定性。而針對VOC之各物種相關性的比較,也發現相同排放源有很高的相關性如:Benzene vs Hexane,而不同排放源其相關性很低如:Benzene vs Propane。


An automated GC system consisted of a flame ionization detector (FID), a PLOT column, and a prcconcentration trap was constructed for continuous monitoring ambient C_3-C_7 volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This system was place in an Taiwan EPA air quality monitoring station located in downtown Chungli to perform synchronized measurements with the existing instruments measuring CO, PM_(10), NOx, etc. Excellent agreement was found between the vehicle exhaust type of compounds, such as benzene, and CO which was measured by the non-dispersive IR on hourly basis, demonstrating the high reliability of our automated GC system. Between 9/15/1999 and 9120/1999 diurnal cycles were observed for VOCs from different emission sources. For VOCs from car exhaust, their diurnal cycles were tightly linked to the traffic condition with excellent correlation among these compounds. Propane, by contrast, whose atmospheric presence is largely due to LPG leakage, exhibited concentration variations mainly controlled by radiation inversion and entirely different diurnal features than the car exhaust compounds.
