

電晶體的發明取代了真空管,使得我們可以做出更小的電子元件,而積體電路概念的提出,將所有的電子元件和連接元件的導線都可以整合在同一片晶片上,利用同一套製程在同一塊固態材料平台上將整個電路製作出來,使得電子電路可以更加的積體化;我們將利用DNA連結製備而成的網絡作為電路設計與製作的平台,藉由不同的DNA序列設計、不同的摻質處理、製程處理的順序來調整DNA網絡中每一區段的電性,使其分別可以表現出具有導線、p-n連結、p-n-p電晶體、n-p-n電晶體等其它電子元件的性質,使得所有的導線與電子元件都可以整合在同一個DNA網絡上,由於DNA分子的直徑只有2nm左右,因此以這種非光蝕刻技術所製作出的積體電路,不但避開了現今以光蝕刻技術為基礎的積體電路製程所遇的瓶頸,而且所具有的最小線寬只有2nm,遠超過現今半導體產業技術所能製作最小線寬0.25μm(250 nm)許多,提供積體電路製作的另一種新的視野與思考方式。


Upon the invention of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain of Bell Laboratories in 1948, the traditional circuit has transformed from being made by vacuum tubes into transistors instead. On top of it, Jack S. Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert N. Noyce of Fairchild invented, simultaneously and independently, integrated circuit (IC) in 1959. Along with the employment of transistors, the ICs procedures that integrate all the electronic devices and the conducting wires on a single chip could make the electronic circuits orders of magnitude smaller than that otherwise. In this project, we propose the use of DNA networks as the platform to fabricate the ICs. The control of the electric properties of the DNA networks can be accomplished through the design of DNA sequences, the doping effects, and the fabrication processes. This will make them exhibit the properties of conducting wires, p-n junctions, p-n-p transistors, n-p-n transistors, and other electronic devices, etc. The integration of all the electronic devices and the conducting wires on the DNA networks without introducing other kinds of materials will greatly simplify the process of manufacturing by avoiding complications of interfaces between different materials. The strategy of ICs fabrication via DNA gets round the bottleneck of current ones that are based on the technology of photolithography. The feature size of DNA ICs, which is in the scale of 2 nm - the diameter of DNA double helix, would be two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the current industry technology of semiconductor. The strategy of DNA ICs might provide a new vision and ways of thinking on fabrications of ICs.
