  • 期刊


Introduction of the Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Station


環保署空氣品質監測站自民國84 年開始運轉至今,已於國內設置77 個空氣品質監測站及4 部移動式空氣品質監測車。透過專業的技術工程師及第三方公正單位分別執行監測站操作維護及品保品管,得以即時而有效地呈現台灣地區空氣品質狀況。目前空氣品質監測項目以O_3、SO_2、NOx、CO、HC、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5) 自動監測為主,並輔以氣象監測項目,以提供更完善的數據利用性。同時環保署規劃及設置PM_(2.5) 手動採樣監測站共30 站,將於民國101 年下半年起委託經品質認證核可之環境檢驗室及品保單位分別執行定期採樣 (每三天採一次樣) 監測及不定期品保查核,以提供更進一步之空氣中細懸浮微粒狀物。可以預期的是,台灣地區的空氣品質監測系統將更趨於完備。


Taiwan EPA has set up 77 air quality monitoring stations and 4 mobile sites since 1993. The monitoring data is effective and real-time presented in Web site through the operation and maintenance of professional engineers and the quality assurance and quality control of the third party. The continuous automatic instrument can perform measurements of the atmosphere’s Ozone (O_3), Sulfur dioxide (SO_2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), PM_(10), PM_(2.5) ... and other measurements related to the Meteorological monitoring to provide more complete data. In 2002, EPA has planned and installed thirty manual monitoring stations of PM_2.5. An associated agency with Laboratory Accreditation and quality assurance unit would implement regular sampling (A sampling every three days) and irregular quality assurance audit respectively. Predictably, manual sampling and monitoring of PM_2.5 will be a focus of attention and become a development of themonitoring project in recent years in Taiwan.


