  • 期刊


Superoxide Dismutase-An Efficient Antioxidant in Organism


超氧離子自由基為生物體在進行新陳代謝時所產生之副產物,廣泛地存在於生物體內,為一具有高活性之物質。當其在生物體內時,易與水分子或其他含氧物質產生活性氧化物 (reactive oxygenspecies, ROS)。ROS 為具有高度氧化力之物質,當細胞內ROS 過量時會攻擊生物體內的DNA、蛋白質與細胞膜脂質,將造成無法修復之傷害。此外,超氧離子自由基在生物體中還會與一氧化氮 (NO)反應,生成活性氮化物 (reactive nitrogen species, RNS),此物質若過量亦會造成細胞傷害。雖然自由基會對人體產生諸多危害,但是在一般的條件下人體細胞內也存在著清除自由基、抑制自由基反應的體系,其中有一類抗氧化酶即是超氧化物歧化酶 (superoxide dismutases, SODs),能夠清除超氧離子自由基,在防禦氧的毒性、抑制老年疾病以及預防衰老等方面起著重要作用相當於抗氧化劑。


Superoxide anion radical, a byproduct produced from the metabolism of organisms, widely exist in vivo as a highly active substance. When superoxide anion is in the living body, it is easy to react with water and other oxygenated molecules to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are highly oxidizing species. When excessive intracellular ROSs attack DNA in organisms, irreparable damages of proteins and cell membrane lipids will occur. Furthermore, superoxide anion radicals will also react with nitric oxide (NO) to form reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in organisms 3. If excessive RNS are produced, they will also cause cell damage. Although human body will produce a lot of harmful free radicals, there are, in general condition, also free radical scavengers, which will suppress the oxidative stress caused by free radicals, existing in human body. Some of them belong to the antioxidant enzymes equivalent to antioxidants. For instance, superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is a major antioxidant enzyme, will scavenge superoxide anion radicals. They play an important role in fending off the toxicity of oxygen, restraining agerelated diseases and preventing aging.
