  • 期刊


Introduction to Solid State Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries


近年來行動電話、筆記型電腦等3C產品已成為人們必須之配件,且對於3C產品性能要求與日俱增,電池亦成為新世代3C產品之命脈。傳統商用鋰離子電池多使用膠態與液態電解質為主,其具充放電前後不可逆電容量高與爆炸之疑慮。2016年南韓三星公司發行之Samsung Galaxy Note 7因手機電池隔離膜過薄,且電池設計不良使電極受擠壓接觸造成短路,引發多起爆炸事件後,安全性於鋰離子電池研究中躍至首席地位,故本文將針對固態電解質取代傳統液態與膠態電解質未來發展做一介紹。


In recent years, mobile phones and notebook have become the necessary accessories for people, and the performance requirements are increasing day by day. Conventional commercial lithium-ion batteries mainly use gel and liquid electrolytes, which have high irreversible capacity before and after charging and discharging and the explosion problem. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 released by South Korea's Samsung in 2016 due to the thinness of the cell phone battery separator and the poor battery design caused the electrode to be short-circuited by the squeeze contact, causing many explosions, safety in the lithium-ion battery research up to the lead Status, so this article will introduce solid electrolytes to replace the liquid and gel electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries.
