  • 期刊


Research on Special Educators for Learning Montessori Teaching Method toward their Teaching Performance




Montessori Method is an effective teaching method for special children and also ordinary children. Montessori Method including 5 aspects, which are daily life, sensory, mathematics, language and culture courses. Those courses will not only improve children's self-care ability, also can cause childrens’ personality traits of independence, autonomy, democracy, respect others. The purpose of this study is to know after Montessori Teaching Method training course for special educator and early treatment care giver will enhance their professional competence. In the other hand, they also improve their teaching abilities in child care, education, training and other activities of daily living. The data analysis provide that these participate in training programs did not show the Montessori teaching method there is a demand for them. Instead, their strong demand for major knowledge of special education. Therefore, further conclude that these participate do not have awareness knowledge of Montessori teaching method, and also not understand its value for special education and early childhood education. Although the subject was found after receiving Montessori training course to enhance the professional knowledge and ability have significant progress, but there is no demand. This discovery should be a description of this field of study has yet to be a more systematic plan to more effectively supporting measures. In special education, with the long-term plan, to encourage teachers' continuing education for further study, in order to ensure the quality of special educator for their students.


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姚明燕譯。(2000)蒙特梭利遊戲與學習。及幼文化出版股份有限公司(Lesley Britton:Montessori PLAY & LEARN, Published by arrangement with Vermilion inc..)。
