  • 期刊


The Marketing Influence of Tourism Industry by Using Facebook to be Platform


不論各行各業都需要強大的行銷系統去支持及推廣其優良的產品品質,然而由於現今3C產品的發達,使得網路行銷管道越來越具影響力外,網路行銷管道又細分出多種 不同平台,導致能選擇的行銷管道越來越多,並且越來越多樣性。以全球有19億用戶的社群平台Facebook來說,是目前企業所使用的熱門行銷管道之一,而Facebook的使用除了消費者口碑的分享,企業或品牌也可以透過Facebook主動行銷自我商品,而旅遊產業相當適合此行銷管道,旅行業服務需要大量感官效果吸引消費者的目光誘發購買慾望。因此本研究假設,旅遊產業利用Facebook作為行銷平台則產品涉入及廣告效果皆為中介變項影響口碑與購買意願之關係,也就是旅遊產業可以藉由Facebook作為行銷平台使得產品涉入及廣告效果來影響消費者的購買意願。根據本研究結果口碑對產品涉入及廣告效果有顯著影響;產品涉入對廣告效果及購買意願有顯著影響;而廣告效果及口碑對購買意願有顯著影響。但是在產品涉入與廣告效果對口碑與購買意願有中介影響皆不成立。並且根據統計結果發現年齡、薪資與性別對口碑、廣告效果、產品涉入與購買意願有顯著影響。由此可知,Facebook作為行銷平台對於消費者了解產品或服務內容具有影響力,以及Facebook在消費者口碑的傳遞能力,最重要的,當消費者透過Facebook所提供的資訊能促進消費者進行最終購買行為。


Every product needs strongly marketing system to support and promote its perfectly quality. However huge consumer electronics used in this world leads to internet marketing channel get more popular. There are a lot of platforms involve in internet marketing channel so that it becomes various and complicated internet marketing channel. Around 19 billion people around the world have access to internet connections, there are a lot of users is amazing ratio. Under such surprising percentage Facebook being marketing channel is all the rage. Facebook is not only sharing personal word of mouth after purchase experience for consumer but also advertising product for industry. Tourism industry is suitable for using Facebook to be marketing channel because Facebook supports sensory effect of advertising performance to catch consumers’ eyes. Therefore this work suppose tourism industry uses Facebook to be marketing platform to result in product involvement and advertisement effect both are mediators to affect the relationship between word of mouth and purchase intention. It means tourism industry would like to advance purchase intention could revise product involvement and advertisement effect. Based on the result the hypothesis which product involvement and advertisement effect are mediators of the relationship between word of mouth and purchase intention in this work supposed are not success. But age, salary and gender have significant effect to word of mouth, product involvement, advertisement effect and purchase intention. So that Facebook to be marketing media has huge influence for customers to understand product or service, in other words Facebook has outstanding ability of information transmission. Therefore customers make purchase intention cause the information from Facebook.


