  • 會議論文


The Investigation of the Promotion for Taiwan Native Fine Food


為了貫徹行政院經建會的「觀光倍增計單」所欲達成2008年來台旅客倍增為五百萬人次的目標,「一鄉一特產」在政府積極包裝下創造了高經濟價值,更利用各地的特色美食活動,結合「一鄉一休閒」的發展,將各地其特色小吃及鄉土特色餐的推廣推向高峰,強化了各地方觀光發展的重要基石。本研究係以台灣鄉土美食為研究範圍,以台中市消費者為研究對象,針對台灣鄉土美食之消費習性與推廣方式加以分析,結果顯示受訪者無論體驗過小吃、鄉土特色餐與美食之旅皆以左鄰右舍、親友告知為最主要訊息來源居首位,且認為台灣小吃業者經營管理改進之處,以加強環境衛生為最主要,其次為增加外賈服務,而人員服務態度位居第三。高達七成五受訪者體驗過鄉土特色餐,最滿意選項的是當地獨特的口味:而讓消費者感到最不滿意的以衛生居冠(79.8%)。基陸市、新竹市、苗栗縣、彰化縣、嘉義市、台南市、台南縣、屏東縣、花蓮縣等縣市在何種產品是該縣市最真代表性特色小吃認同度較高(占受訪者樣本數80%以上)。未體驗過美食之旅的受訪者佔高達八成多的比例。對體驗過美食之旅的受訪者而言,其在回答滿意度部分選項時,以加深對當地文化認識最為滿意,佔48.8%,最不滿意選項為價格佔48.8%,有超過五成的比例表示會再次參加美食之旅,且受訪者居住地隔與美食之旅再購意願具有顯著相關性(p =.004)。關於美食之旅推廣活動之建議調查結果中,受訪者期待地點以國內所估的比例最多(51.1%),行程天數則以4~5天及2~3天為主,所佔比例高達八成以上。綜合上述結果,將可提供觀光餐旅業於擬定鄉土美食之行銷策略的參考。




To increase the inbound visitor to a number of 5 million person-time in order to follow up the "tourism multiplication project" making from Executive Yuan, "an rural area produce a specialty product" has an important concept from now on. The government enthusiastic over the creation of a higher valuable product' development of any characteristic fine food activity and combination of "an rural area produce a specialty product", as a result of it intensifies the foundation of the tourism development. The study is basic on the Taiwan native fine food and use Taichung County as an object. It focuses on the consumer behavior and it's popularizing of the Taiwan native fine food following by giving an analysis. In the end comes up the promotion tactic suggestion. The result of this study shows that the premier receiving the experience of the fine food and native food etc. comes from neighbors and relatives. Secondly, the consumer indicates that to keep the environment cleanness is the most important effect for improving vendors' business. Moreover, the next effect for improving vendors' business is to increase take-away service and service attitude.75% of interviewee has experienced native fine food and their most satisfaction to the answer focus on its unique flavor; however, 79.8% of consumer think the less satisfaction to the answer point out "non-hygiene" . More than 80% of consumer presents in some native areas has their own higher identification on their unique find food and Characteristic native food, these areas such as Ji Long City' Xin Zhu City' Miao Li City' Zhang Hua City' Jia Yi City' Tai Nan City' Tai Nan County' Sing Dong County and Hua Lian County etc. To observe consumer's satisfaction that has experience of fine food tripe has a higher percentage of 48.8 on its "culture pleasure" . The less satisfaction is to its "price" and its shows on the figure of 48.8%. There is more than 50% of consumer express that they would once again join find food trip, the result shows an important related to both on consumer's living region and repurchase this package ( p=.004) . With regard to the result of the fine food trip promotion activity, it suggests that location choosing effects consumer's consume rather than other elements, it shows a figure of 51.1% in this study. Moreover. it points out a ratio of more than 80% of consumer hopes the fine food journey could focus on a four night five days trip or two nights three days trip.




