  • 期刊

The Genetic Importance of Varied Quantitative HLA Expression in Influencing Disease Susceptibility



從以前許多的研究結果,我們己能對第一類人類白血球抗原(HLA)的構造、它們和T細胞接受體的互動、及它們基因表達的連作有許多深入瞭解。近來,有許多研究証明:表達在細胞表面上之HLA是和整個細胞內外總和之HLA量成正比的,而且其數量上表達的程度是遺傳上天生註定的。亦有實驗証明:HLA不同數量的變化在功能上很明顯地可以改變細胞毒殺細胞(CTL)對感染的標的細胞(Target cell)之感受性。綜合上述結論,使我們瞭解到在臨床上進一步去探討HLA不等數量的表達對於病毒感染之感受性及嚴重性的重要,也能更進一步地瞭解HLA和疾病感受性(Disease susceptibility)之間的關聯性。


According to the results of several previous studies, there are good understanding on the structure of class I HLA complex, their interactions with T cell receptors and their genetic regulation. Recently, several studies were conducted to demonstrate that the relative quantities expressed on cell surface are the same as those for the total cellular HLA antigens and the genetically predetermined quantitative expressions of HLA antigens are functional significant in determining the susceptibility of target cells to CTLs. These studies underscore the need of further investigation to elucidate the clinical importance of varied quantitative HLA expression in determining the susceptibility and severity of viral infections and pave the way for further understanding in the association of HLA antigen and disease susceptibility.


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