  • 期刊

藻類-Chlorella sp.代謝有機物分析及在臭氧程序中變動之研究藻類-Chlorella sp.代謝有機物分析及在臭氧程序中變動之研究

Evaluation Metabolic Organic Products of Algae-Chlorella sp. and Assessing the Fate of Organic Compounds During Ozonation


水體光合生物(Photosynthetic organisms)在進行代謝過程可能產生某些有機物質釋放至水中,同時在淨水程序中因處理藥劑與藻細胞接觸反應,導致細胞壁破壞或胞內物釋出,增加水中有機物之含量。本研究擇取本省水庫常見之優勢藻種:綠球藻(Chlorella sp.),於實驗室培養純藻種,分析其代謝有機物,包括溶解性有機碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)、生物可利用有機碳(Assimilable organic carbon,AOC)及醛類(Aldehydes),並進行臭氧化反應,冀發現藻類代謝或前臭氧消毒過程所釋出之有機質。實驗結果顯示,恆溫光照培養槽之Chlorella sp.母液分別稀釋配置成不同濃度之人公園水,在固定水質條件下,通入臭氧反應,溶液中所測得DOC隨臭氧量增加而增加,其中在臭氧劑量2.0 mg-O_3/100, 000 cells下DOC增加約16%,同時Chlorella sp.濃度較高者最為顯著,推測所增加之DOC可能源自藻體被臭氧破壞所釋放出之有機基質。針對AOC在臭氧前後之變動,臭氧化前之藻類容易以AOC-17為主,此應是Chlorella sp.代謝之基質較易被P17菌屬可利用,臭氧後AOC_(Total)大致隨臭氧劑量呈增加趨勢,其中AOC-NOX濃度約在30-189μg acetate-C/L範圍,AOC-P17則在56-64μg acetate-C/L,同時經臭氧反應後發現AOC-P17略為降低,而AOC-NOX則增加,可能原因是臭氧破壞Chlorella sp.所釋放出之基質為P17菌難以利用,但反則亦被NOX菌所利用,如羧酸類基質。再者,臭氧前液相中醛類以formaldehyde、cetaldehyde較高,合計約佔70%。臭氧化後,醛類濃度顯著增加,在高臭氧量條件下,醛類總濃度約增加30%,其中大部分為低碳數之formaldehyde、cetaldehyde,此結果顯示臭氧破壞藻類細胞所釋放出之有機物中,有部份為生物較能利用之醛類物種。


Photosynthetic organisms, including algae and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), generate new particulate organic material in aquatic systems. When these organisms come into contact with water treatment chemicals, either in storage reservoirs or treatment plants, cell damage may result in the release of their cell contents as dissolved organic matter. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the release of organic compounds by selected algal culture (Chlorella sp.). For these test, an algae suspension was brought to steady growth during incubation period. The effects of ozone disinfectant, which cause algae cell degradation, resulting in the release of the organic cellular compounds were also studied. The results indicated that ozonation with 2. 0 mg-O_3/100, 000 cells resulted in a 16 % increase in the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content of the algae suspension. It is suggest that the increase in DOC was a result of increased liberation of extracellular organic matter. Ozonation of a number of algae solutions with various ozone dosages in laboratory experiments showed that total AOC (AOC-Total) concentration increasing ozone dosages. The AOC-NOX levels ranged from 30-198 μg acetate-C/L, whereas AOC-P17 levels ranged from 56-64 g acetate-C/L in ozonated suspension. The data clearly suggest that the magnitude of increase in the AOC-NOX component after ozonation is greater than the increase in the AOC-P17 component. Furthermore, assessment of aldehyde concentrations in algae suspension was found that formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are the predominant forms of aldehydes. These two species account for 70% of the total measured aldehydes in algae suspension. After ozonation, sum of aldehyde species was increased 30 %, the low molecular weight yields of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are the highest species achieved at the high ozone dosage. The results suggest that the increases in aldehydes most likely belong to the biodegradability of organic matters.


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