  • 期刊


Nursing Experience in Care of A Post-Amputation Adolescent with Osteosarcoma by Applying Roy's Adaptation Model




Both the body appearance and function are altered by cancer itself and the side effects caused by chemotherapy. These adverse effects have a deep impact on the patient, especially from the physiological, psychological and social point of views. This report describes the nursing experience of a post-amputation aldolescent with recurrent osteosarcoma. From December 23, 2003 to February 5, 2004, by using Roy's adaptation model, the author took direct care, observation, clinical interview and listening technique to evaluate the patient's health problems. There were five nursing issues highly concerned: 1. pain. 2. sleep pattern disturbance. 3. impaired physical mobility. 4. anticipatory grieving. 5. body image disturbance. Through comprehensive nursing care, searching supportive resource, assisting the patient and his family to recover the suffering of post-amputation, the author assisted the adolescent getting the positive body image and adaptation. And the patient was encouraged to commence a new life. This case report is good to share with other health care provider in order to improve the quality of nursing care.


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