  • 期刊


An Exploration on the Perceptions of the Leadership Competences for Cadres at College Student Organizations


社團活動的參與是培養大專院校學生多元化能力的重要途徑。校園中的任何學習經驗或學習規劃,都應該存在協助學生發展未來生涯規劃工作的教育理念。為了解現階段大專校院學生社團幹部對於領導能力內涵之認知態度,乃進行本次研究計畫。本次問卷調查時間為中華民國九十二年八月至九十三年十二月約一年半的時間,受訪的大專校院社團學生幹部,含七所公私立大專校院社團幹部學生,人數合計597名。學生幹部屬性合學生會會長、活動中心總幹事、系科學會會長、一般性社團之社長,以及社團中核心幹部等。十五個社團幹部領導能力內涵題目經以主成份法(princip al component analysis)抽取特徵值大於1的因素,再以最大變異法(varimax)進行直交轉軸後,共可抽出兩個因素,分別命名為「人際修養」(含認真負責、協調溝通能力、以身作則、情緒管理能力、包容關懷、平易近人、品德修養、樂觀進取等)及「工作要求」(含旺盛企圖心、熟悉法令規章、豐富的工作經驗、要求嚴格等)。就大專校院學生人口變項在社團幹部領導能力因素之認知程度之單變量變異數分析結果,「人際修養」的社團幹部領導特質,在私立學校比公立學校重要。科技大學與技術學院學生較綜合(醫學)大學的學生,更加重視「人際修養」及「工作要求」的領導特質。在學生會(或活動中心)擔任學生幹部者,比參與一般社團的學生幹部更重視「工作要求」的領導特質;一般社員比社長(會長)更重視「工作要求」的領導特質。無論是何種領導特質,女性幹部均比男性幹部認為重要。


Participating in student organizations is an important way for college students to build multiple competences. On the campus, any learning plan for students should be in the eye of career development for students. The purpose of the exploration is to understand the current perceptions of leadership competences for cadres at college student organizations. The investigation was preceded during August 2003 to December 2004. The subjects were 597 cadres of student organizations from seven public and private colleges (including universities). These cadres were leaders of campus-level student associations, leaders of centers of student activities, leaders of departmentlevel student organizations, leaders of ordinary student clubs, and other core members (candidate leaders) of student organizations. After factor and reliability analysis, 15 items concerning leadership competences for student cadres at college student organizations are grouped into 2 reliable factors named "interpersonal accomplishments" (item including responsibility, communication, role-modeling, etc.) and "task demanding" (item including ambition, familiarity with regulations, rigid demand, etc.) After the one-way ANOVA test, results showed that the factor of "interpersonal accomplishments" at private colleges was perceived more important than at public colleges. Both factors at technological and vocational institutes were deemed more important than at comprehensive (medical institutes). Cadres at campus-level student associations regarded the factor of "task demanding" more important than cadres at ordinary student clubs, and the candidate student leaders also deemed this factor more important than the top leaders. Female cadres deemed both factors more important than male cadres.


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