  • 期刊


The Experience and Coping Behavior of Advanced Maternal Age with Intrauterine Fetal Death




The purpose of this study was to explore the experience and coping behavior of advanced maternal age with intrauterine fetal death. Field study was adopted to collect data, and the same time, observe as participant in order to gather more comprehensive information. The results indicated the mother's experience included: in shock after still birth; recalling her efforts during the pregnancy; worrying about the development of postpartum breast milk and feeling of failure in the maternal role; and doing the month without baby. Coping behavior was identified as: probing the causes of fetal death, rationalization; reconciliation; avoidance of touching death baby during delivery; saying goodbye to the dead baby; trying reduction of breast milk; and filling in the time of doing the month. During the nursing care, the author has built up a rapport and good relationship with the case by listening attentively to her, trying to understand her feeling and experience. Moreover, after the case left the hospital, the author proceeded to give her constant care, providing her with physical, mental, social, and spiritual care in order to overcome the grief process. Hopefully, this paper can serve as a useful reference in the field of nursing, and particularly for those who devote themselves to taking care of mothers experiencing fetal death.


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