  • 期刊


Chinese Policy toward Taiwan under the Era of Hu




In the international mood of China rise, close to China the Taiwan should be the most influenced area. In the appearance of experiences and facts, China rise have been to the developing direction and trend of peace. For Taiwanese position, that is a new opportunity for Cross-Strait relation and a new policy toward Taiwan for Chinese Communism Party(CCP), relatively the one which is in military confrontation and Cold-War between Cross-Straits´ governments for decades. This article focus its study on the CCP´ new policy toward Taiwan in the new era. However, in the structure of this article, it discourse upon Chinese peaceful rise first as to the premise of CCP´ policy toward Taiwan. Moreover, to perceive international power structure fully and to take advantage with the situation outside that will be the way of survival and evading risk for Taiwan. In the time scope of study, since 2008, the Cross-Strait governments have signed agreements and Cross-Strait relation have been developped speedily under the point of international observer. But, that time still is relatively short and the effect of consequence is not stable yet. Thus, this article talking about the the CCP´ new policy toward Taiwan, mainly point to the Hu Jin-tao´s era after coming to power in 2002. In comparison to past leader, Hu´s new strategy toward Taiwan seem to be flexible and fresh. But, this article will couple with the thesis of Peaceful Rise as to illustrate the consistence between context and its policy.


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