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Pharmacists' Attitude toward the Relationship Quality and Marketing Strategies of Pharmaceutical Companies - A Survey of the Drug Store Pharmacists in Taichung


目的:本研究旨在探討藥局藥師對製藥公司的關係品質與藥品行銷策略態度之現況和重要因素。方法:研究為橫斷式便利取樣台中市服務於非醫院藥局之300位執業藥師,以結構式問卷經信效度檢定後發放。內容包括:藥師之基本資料、藥品行銷策略的態度及關係品質量表,採李克特五點尺度。有效回收問卷282份,有效回收率94%,以SPSS 25.0統計軟體進行描述性及推論性統計分析。結果顯示:不同藥局型態;年齡、教育程度;執業年資的藥局藥師在關係品質有差異(p<0.05;p<0.01;p<0.001)。不同婚姻狀態;藥局型態;年齡、教育程度、執業年資的藥局藥師對藥品行銷策略態度有差異(p<0.05;p<0.01;p<0.001)。製藥公司對藥師的關係品質與藥品行銷策略態度皆呈顯著正相關。藥局藥師與藥品行銷策略態度對關係品質重要因素為「產品」、「價格」及「通路」;藥局藥師對藥品行銷策略態度的重要因素為「年齡」、「信任」與「承諾」。結論與建議:製藥公司與藥師的主要關係品質會建立在「產品」、「價格」及「通路」;而製藥公司對不同年齡層的藥師要有不同的藥品行銷策略,並加強與藥師間的「信任」及「承諾」以提高藥師對製藥公司的滿意度,建立穩固的關係品質,才能使藥局藥師更正向態度看待製藥公司的行銷策略。


Purpose: This study aimed to examine the correlation and influence factors of marketing strategies and relationship quality of pharmaceutical companies from pharmacists, as well as to analyze the differences with the background data. Methods: A cross-sectional survey with structured questionnaire was employed to collect 300 pharmacists at convenience from different drug stores in Taichung. This questionnaire was passed through reliability and validity tests. It consists of background variables, attitudes to pharmaceutical marketing strategy and relationship quality with 5-points Likert scale. The valid respondents were 282 and the recovery rate was 94%. Data analysis used descriptive and inferential statistics by SPSS25.0. Results: Based on the results, there were significant differences in marital status (p<0.05); pharmacy types (p<0.01); ages, education levels and years of practice (p<0.001) in perception of pharmacists towards pharmaceutical marketing strategies. Besides, there were significant differences in pharmacy types (p<0.05); ages and education levels (p<0.01); years of practice (p<0.001) in relationship quality of pharmacists towards pharmaceutical company. The pharmacists show significant positive correlations among each dimensions of marketing strategies and relationship quality toward pharmaceutical company. Variables of "ages" and "education levels" were found predictable indicators respectively to affect perception of pharmacists towards pharmaceutical marketing strategies. Dimensions of "trust" and "commitment" were important predictable factors to affect the relationship quality of pharmacists towards pharmaceutical companies. Conclusions and Suggestion: Based on this research results, the pharmacists who are under the age of 39, post-graduate degree, less than 5 years of practice and working in chain pharmacy stores have more positive attitudes toward the pharmaceutical marketing strategy. In order to strengthen the relationship quality can be performed by increasing trust and commitment between pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies as well as improving their satisfaction. In conclusion, pharmacist then can have more positive attitudes of toward marketing strategies of pharmaceutical companies.


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