  • 期刊

Implementation Effectiveness of an Applied Programing Course for Non-Information Science Students: A Taiwanese University's Case Study



Improving the information literacy of university students is a key area of research. This study applied high-school science curriculum guidelines and various educational principles and objectives to develop a compulsory applied programming course for non-information science students. The course comprised the standardized teaching content (70%) and the variable content (30%) that could be adapted to specialized fields. Identical learning assessment methods were also developed. Course teachers could exercise discretion in their application of teaching methods. After the course was taught for a semester, the students' feedback scores for the course ranged between 3.06 and 4.65 (mean, 4.22). Among the examined students, nursing students and speech language pathology and audiology students scored the lowest for the course teaching assessment. Their average score for self-evaluated learning effectiveness was 3.92. The scores for increasing the students' learning interest were the lowest. The students acquired knowledge of APP Inventor functions but could not apply them in a practical setting. The implementation results indicate that future courses should focus on increasing the learning interest of students. Teaching content and materials should correspond to the specific background of each department. Teachers should encourage students to form autonomous learning communities for programming and help non-information-science students to establish cross-field learning communities with information science students. Teachers can establish programming learning platforms and incentivize students to publish their works.


大學生資訊素養的提升越來越被重視。本校以高中科技領域綱要為主軸,配合辦學理念與教育目標,規劃非資訊領域學生必修應用程式設計課程。課程規劃以70%相同教學內容,30%配合專業系所領域發展教學內容。也規範相同的學習評量,教學方法由教師自行規劃。實施一學期結果顯示,學生對課程教學回饋介於3.06~4.65,平均為4.22,其中護理系及語言治療與聽力學系學生對課程教學評量為最低。學生自評學習成效結果平均3.92,以提升學習興趣為最低,已認識APP inventor功能但無法連結應用為次之。根據實施結果,建議未來課程設計,應著重於如何提升學生學習興趣。教學內容與教材應與系所專業結合。鼓勵學生針對程式設計組成自主學習社群。鼓勵及協助媒合與資訊系所學生組跨域學習社群。建置程式設計學習平台並提供獎勵作品上架。


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