  • 期刊


Ko's Mental Health Questionnaire Assessment of Junior College with Case Study in Counseling


研究的目的在了解本校學生之心理健康情形,故第一先建立五專女生在柯氏性格量表之常模。民國五十九年及六十一年柯永何曾建立大學生之柯氏性格量表常模。因人格的特質會隨年齡及教育程度的背景而改變,故擬做大學生及五專生之比較。結果發現在十四種分測驗的平均分數中隊了第3. 5.7.11及F 項外其餘九項具有統計上的意義(P< 0.001及P<0.05)。第二在比較同班在一年級與二年級時之柯氏性格量表分數之差異,發現五班中有四班之心理健康有改善情形,可是有一班神經質症狀逐漸增加。進一步調查是由於家庭中雙親發生變故及遭遇經濟困難。第三在比較因情緒問題至學生輔導中心互談者(80名)與五專學生(534名)之差異。結果十四項分測驗亦有統計上的差異性。第五個案輔導的實施情形。發現兩對同卵雙胞胎在柯氏格量表的分數相當類似而且男性傾向特別的高另一位焦慮性神經症及一位轉換精神神經症經過輔導前後在柯氏性格量表的分數改變情形如下及疑心降低,慮病減少,情緒變好,緊張不安與非社會減少,強迫性及攻擊性降低更了解自己且更有獨立性。結果與柯永河(民63)之心理治療效果一致。




The present study examined the hyothesis that the norm o f University on KMHQ established by YUNG-HO KO is different from that of Junior College, it was Predicted that the traits of one's personality may be changed with different ages and educational dackground, It was found that about fourteen scores of Ko's Questionnaire except III. V. VII.XI scores have nine average scores significant difference (P<0.001 & P <0.05). The next step to be made was to compare among five classes on KMHQ during one year with Junior College Norm. It was found that the KMHQ Scores of A.B .D .E class have improved except C class. The emotional problems of C class are due to t he economic factor and the family accidents. Then, the author conducts the emotional problem of college student on KMHQ to be compared with the Norm of that, it proved that all the fourteen scores was significant, The last test to be made was the effect of counseling that was evaluated by KMHQ. Case one was an Identical Twins, case two was anxiety neurosis, case three was conversion neurosis.


