  • 期刊


The Literary Route of Leaving/Returning Home


靜止的道路/海洋是遊子與土地/家鄉的連結,是離開亦是回歸,他們內蘊的動能指涉著(旅)的人流變(becoming)的可能。本文以《臺灣脈動:省道的逐夢與築路》為媒介,佐以台灣作家的地誌抒情文本,微觀每一條連結作家離/返家鄉的路徑及其歷史,並將現實的路線(道路、海洋)與索雅(Edward W. Soja)、德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)的空間論述結合,以期在作家書寫的地理景緻中啟動一個徹底開放及滿溢想像的第三空間。道路與海洋是台灣的脈動與膚紋,看似固態卻含蘊流動液態的情感,是流動、能動的第三空間,將層層折疊(folded)的過去、現在、未來同時展開。文人在離/返家的反覆行徑中書寫/抒情生命中的追憶、當下與夢想,所行之路是情感的媒介並體現流洩的慾望。作家的文字在「塊莖圖像式過程」(rhizomatic mapping process)中匯織逃逸路徑(line of flight),不僅載負台灣文學的歷史性、空間性與社會性,亦開創作家/讀者在其中流變為各種可能的前/潛路。


第三空間 流變 塊莖 逃逸路線


This paper aims to establish an inspiring conversation among Deleuzian thoughts of rhizome, line of flight, becoming and Edward Soja's theory of third space, along with representative Taiwanese writers' works and the book Taiwan on the Way, which insightfully records road history in Taiwan. Roads and oceans, as the integral texture of Taiwan, are the connections between far travelers and homeland. They are a third space to simultaneously unfold the folded past, present and future. Their immanent mobility implies the possibilities of becoming. Such literary route symbolizes a circulation of leaving/returning home. Rooted and de-rooted, it enunciates civilization and nature. It makes land (dis) appear and (dis) connect. The route in literature mixed with real experiences and virtual imaginations is transformed into a new world of affect of intensities. The lurking affect of passion and desire as such in the texts produces an unnamable power to enchant, invoke and provoke writers as well as readers, leading them to experience a transtion to joy, rage, sadness, wonder and love. It is hoped that in combination with roads/oceans and flowing affect, the potentiality and singularity of Taiwanese literature can be ignited.


third space becoming rhizome lines of flight
