  • 期刊


Textual Criticism on “Xuelang Zhai Diary"


1.《雪浪齋日記》是「詩話」卻不見於郭紹虞所輯《宋詩話輯佚》三十五種及《宋詩話考》一百三十九種中;其後程毅中編《宋人詩話外編》,計收宋人詩話百種,亦未見錄。2.「雪浪齋」為蘇軾在定州時用以蓄「雪浪石」之齋室,然《雪浪齋日記》絕非蘇軾所作。3.《雪浪齋日記》作者可據所見日記兩則,略推為曾鞏弟曾宰之曾孫輩,其人與《艇齋詩話》作者曾季貍為從兄弟行。4. 《雪浪齋日記》作者之詩學觀:「知變始能創新」、「造句用字重原創」、「側重當代詩人」。 5.《雪浪齋日記》初見於吳幵《優古堂詩話》,僅一則,而胡仔《漁隱叢話.前集》引錄三十九則。彙輯諸書所引,去其重複,可得四十四則。茲遂錄全文,並釋其大要,作為附編,以發潛德。


《雪浪齋日記》 詩話 蘇軾 曾宰


1. Although “X uelang Zhai Diary" is poetry, it is not collected in 35 poetry anthologies of “ Song Shi Hua Ji Yi" compiled by Shao-yu Kuo, and neither is it collected in 139 poetry anthologies of “ Shihua of the Song Dynasty ." Afterwards, Yizhong compiled “ Song Ren Shi Hua Wai Bian" to collect hundreds of poetry anthologies of poets in the Song Dynasty, and it is not included in it, either. 2. “Xuelang Zhai" is the den where Su Shi collected “xuelang stone" in Dingzhou. However, “Xuelang Zhai Diary" is absolutely not one of the works of Su Shi. 3. According to 2 pieces of “Xuelang Zhai Diary," the author might be the great-grandson of Zeng Zai, younger brother of Zeng Gong. The author might be of the same generation of Ji-li Zeng, author of “Ting Zhai Shi Hua" 4. The poetic features of author of “Xuelang Zhai Diary" are: “being versatile and innovative," “focusing on originality of use of words and phrases," “attaching particular importance to poets at the time." 5. Only 1 piece of “Xuelang Zhai Diary" is firstly collected in Wu Jian's “ You Gu Tang Shi Hua," while 39 pieces of it is collected in “Hu Zi 's Yu Yin Cong Hua : Qian Ji." There are a total of 44 pieces of works collected in various anthologies after the repeated ones are removed. The full text is specified, and the outlines are summarized as appendices to reflect the meanings.


“Xuelang Zhai Diary" Poetry Su si Zeng Zai

