  • 期刊


Fable Method to Resolve "How things are the same as this" in Discussion of the Equality of Things and the study of "Perfected Person"




The language used in Zhuangzi is obscure and hard to understand while great amount of storytelling statements are applied. In addition to the complexity of used terms, Zhungzi thoroughly reflects upon language and reveals the distrust for it, resulting in the difficulties when it comes to text interpretation. Zhungzi is an expert in elaborating thoughts through fables. Besides common narrative language, a large number of grammatical metaphors are included in the fables. Particularly with section and chapter fables, in "We compare something a man does not know with something he does know in order to help him to understand it" (Shuo yuan.Shan shui), Zhungzi does not directly elaborate the reasoning but instead uses a lot of metaphors and comparisons in the fables. Due to the openness of explanation of fables and metaphors, it could lead to misreading. With this being said, as one studies Zhungzi, it is needed to reflect upon the way of writing of Zhungzi in the first place. This article aims to study the way of writing of the fables and metaphors and comparisons as well as the way of interpretation. Meanwhile, several reasoning methods about resolving the fable of "how things are the same as this" and the statements of perfected person in Zhungzi: Discussion of the Equality of Things are investigated.


(清)王先謙撰,《莊子集解》;劉武撰,《莊子集解內篇補正》;沈嘯寰點校,(北京:中華書局,1999 年)。
(清)郭慶藩撰;王孝魚點校,《莊子集釋》。(北京:中華書局,1961 年)。
