  • 期刊

Errors of Translation into a Second Language: an Analysis of Chinese-to-English Translations by National University English Majors in Taiwan



This study undertook a survey and analysis of the difficulties encountered and errors made by students of translation with an aim toward improving teaching quality and learning efficiency. Six Chinese-to-English translation assignments done by 13 students in a translation course offered by the English Department of a national university in Taiwan were marked-up by a native English-speaker and the errors hand-coded and categorized by the researcher with a reference to Pym (1992) and the American Translators Association (2017). As a supplement to the evaluated translations, individual interviews with six of the thirteen students were conducted after the completion of the course to gain understanding on the difficulties encountered for students of Chinese-to-English translation. Based on the analysis of translation errors made and insights from the interviews conducted, suggestions on course design and pedagogy for Chinese-to-English translation classes taught in Taiwan is provided in the conclusion.


本研究對象為國立大學英語系開設的中譯英課程,以課堂上13位同學的6份翻譯作業為主要研究材料,由一位英文母語人士暨資深譯者點評翻譯錯誤,並依據筆者參照Pym(1992)及美國譯者協會(2017)而建置的錯誤分類法(error typology)歸類。筆者先將所有翻譯錯誤劃分為語言錯誤(language errors)及轉譯錯誤(rendition error)二大類,再依臺灣同學的語言學習狀況分為多個小類。研究結果顯示,「字詞選擇不當」、「不自然的表達方式」及「搭配詞錯誤」為出現頻率最高的三種語言錯誤;「過度直譯」、「漏譯」及「語域不當」則為出現頻率最高的三種轉譯錯誤。筆者亦於課程結束後針對6位同學進行訪談,深入瞭解同學在中譯英過程中遭遇的困難。根據以上研究結果,筆者歸納出同學在中譯英過程中尚須優化的能力,並針對台灣大專院校中譯英課程的教學方式提出建言,盼能作為教學實務上的參考。


中譯英 譯入外語 翻譯錯誤 翻譯教學


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