  • 期刊


Coexisting Filmic Texts: Analyzing the Intertextuality and Syntactic Citation in Tsai Ming-liang's Goodbye, Dragon Inn


本論文從互文性分析與引用研究來對蔡明亮的《不散》進行分析。蔡明亮的《不散》與胡金銓的《龍門客棧》這兩部影片之間的互文性與引用問題是令人深思的。在蔡明亮的《不散》與胡金銓的《龍門客棧》之間,如同巴赫金的對話主義般的在《不散》中展開。這兩位電影導演的對話重點是在電影空間與電影剪接的思辨。在引用問題上,本文借用翁團.貢帕雍(Antoine Compagnon)的理論來分析蔡明亮《不散》中引用的背後結構與意義。本論文聚焦在互文性與引用這兩個問題,來對《不散》進行影片分析。


This paper aims to analyze the intertextuality and the issues of citation in Tsai Ming-liang's Goodbye, Dragon Inn. The relationship between Tsai's Goodbye, Dragon Inn and King Hu's Dragon is complicated and thought -provoking. They unfold in Goodbye, Dragon Inn as a dialogue, and moreover, in the center of the dialogue between two directors and two films are their reflections on cinematic space and cinematic editing. In this paper I borrow the concept of Antoine Compagnon as an analytic tool to excavate the hidden structure and meaning in Tsai's Goodbye, Dragon Inn.


Bakhtine, Mikhaïl (1970). Problèmes de la Poétique de Dostoïevski. Paris: Ed.Seuil.
Compagnon, Antoine (1979). La seconde main ou le travail de la citation. Paris: Ed.Seuil.
Deleuze, Gille (1970). Nietzshe et la Philosophie. Paris: PUF.
Hassan, Ihab (1987). The Postmodern Turn: Essays in Postmodern Theory and Culture. Ohio, Ohio State University.
Kristeva, Julia (1968). “Le texte clos”, Langages, (12), Didier/Larousse, pp.103-125.
