  • 期刊


A New Exploration on Wen Tingjun's "Pusa Man"-From " Plants and Trees"




溫庭筠 菩薩蠻 託寓


This article re-explores the connotation of the fourteen poems of Wen Tingjun's "Bodhisattva Man" from the perspective of plants and trees, focusing on the flower seasons and flower species in the fourteen poems with "spring dreams are about love" and "spring hate is about love" In order to say, point out that in addition to the meaning of hurting the spring, the flowers are further divided into four types: apricot blossoms, peony, Yehe, and Hemerocallis, to illustrate the fact that apricot flowers and peon y are related to the imperial examinations. , The blooming of apricot blossoms is the dream of pursuing fame and interest; and "spring hate is related to love", that is, spring hatred that apricot flowers fall and peony will be destroyed by rain, that is, the disillusionment of their pursuit of fame and fame. , like apricot blossoms and peonies scattered and ruined. From this, it can be deduced that the fourteen poems of Wen Tingjun's "Bodhisattva Man" actually have the purpose of supporting them.


Wen Tingjun Pusa Man flowers


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後蜀.趙崇祚編、楊景龍注《花間集校注》(北京:中華書局,2014 年 10月)。
南朝.梁.蕭統編、唐.李善注《文選》(臺北:世界書局,1962 年 4 月)。
南朝.梁.劉勰著 、范文瀾注《文心雕龍注》卷六(臺北:臺灣開明書店,1993 年 5 月)。
五代.王定保著、清.蔣光煦校《唐摭言》(臺北:世界書局,1959 年 9 月)。
