  • 期刊


Revision and Creation in Bao Gong Operas of Regalia and Bao Gong Beating His Mother's Brother




包公戲 豫劇 狸貓換太子 廬劇 包公打舅


Among local operas, the Bao Gong opera, whose contents mostly derived from related operas or novels, acquires high popularity among the fans of Henan Opera, harvesting a bumper classic works. Nevertheless, there are, on occasions, some Bao Gong Operas, revised or created, to be t aken on stage. The author will cite two examples of Bao Gong Opera whereby to discuss the techniques of revision or creation while catching their purposes and effects: (1) Regalia, a revised Henan Opera from Civet Cat for Prince, by Prof. Liu Hui-Fen (Taiwan) and (2) Bao Gong Beating His Mother's Brother, a creation of Lu opera, by Prof. Zhu Wan-Shu (China). In the former opera, the Chinese tradition has been concentrated into the contents while retaining the essence of the old operas to carry on the skills of the performers and to appeal to the young audience. In the latter opera, with abundant creation and local savors, there are neither extraordinary or supernatural beings nor official complicated entanglements as in the traditional Bao Gong operas. The two Bao Gong operas have both drawn favorable comments from the audience and provided a new direction toward both the revision of old operas and the creation of new operas, a phenomenon worthy of congratulations in the domain of opera writing, deserving the continual efforts of intentioned follower playwrights.


﹝宋﹞司馬光:《涑水記聞》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,景印文淵閣四庫全書第 1036 冊,1983 年。
﹝元﹞脫脫等:《宋史》,臺北:鼎文書局,1983 年。
丁肇琴:〈談秦香蓮故事的發展〉,《世新人文社會學報》第 2 期,2000 年 5月。
丁肇琴:《俗文學中的包公》,臺北:文津出版社,2004 年。
