  • 期刊


Comparison on the Knowledge、Attitude and Practice of breast Self-Examination in Two Junior Colleges in Taichung Area.




乳房自我檢查 知識 態度 行為


The purposes of this study were to compare the knowledge 、attitude and practice of the breast self-examination (ESE) with the female students in two junior colleges in Taichung area. Students interviewed through a constructed questionnaires contained 244 nursing and 241 non-nursing students, respectively. All information were analyzed by using the package of SAS / PC' 6.04. Results revealed: (1)the knowledge of breast self-examination among the nursing students is signiflcantly higher than non-nursing students, and the frequency of BSE is also higher in nursing students' family. (2)60.7% of the students considered the breast cancer was a very serious health problem. Moreover 60% of the nursing students considered that the masectomy seriously resulted in the change of body image, but approximate 40% the non-nursing students considered to be a mild effect. (3)the major information sources about breast self-examination were obtained from teacher, news paper, magazine and medical promotional media, however, The course should be enhanced by practicing on breast model and demonstrated with video type or teaching materials. (4)the determinants of knowledge of BSE were attitude toward BSE and two kinds of group. And the determinants of attitude of BSE were be found to knowledge of BSE 、the experience of BSE of family members and the ever practice of BSE among students. So, the teaching program of breast self-examination should be promoted for non-medical students by the variety of education program and mass media in order to decrease the risk of breast cancer in general population.


Breast Self-examination Knowledge Attitude Practice


