  • 期刊


Transformation Management of Government Subsidy SMEs for Upgrading Industries: The Example of Small Business Innovation Research Planning


小型企業創新研發計畫係經濟部基於鼓勵中小企業產業升級,加強創新技術或產品研發而設立之補助計畫。該計畫自1999 年2 月公佈實施,所申請補助的業者與金額有逐年增加現象,因而成為小型企業在轉型過程中不可或缺的要素。但是,政府對小型企業的補助計畫是否具體提升中小型企業之競爭力,符合轉型預期目標?便是本文所欲探討的研究問題。本文主要針對申請通過該計畫之小型電子代工業者進行探究,文內運用轉型管理理論,並先運用多元迴歸等方法進行問卷調查,最後再針對實際參與相關計畫的專家與業者進行訪談,提出更具體的影響計畫推動因素,以輔實證結果。整體而言,本文發現該計畫確實能激勵小型電子代工業者投入創新研發工作。再者,其他轉型管理要素,例如:互動性、溝通以及支持性系絡等,對該計畫之推動結果有顯著影響。


Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) is a financial subsidy program, funded by the Ministry of Economy, to encourage the small and medium businesses for upgrading industries in Taiwan to enhance their research and development effort. Since its inception in 1992, SBIR has been implemented for over eighteen years. With the increasing annual total funding, SBIR has attracted more and more applications, and has become one of the most important funding sources. While SBIR plays a very important role in helping to achieve the above goals, the effectiveness of the program is uncertain before a systematic evaluation is done. Based on the theories on transition management, this paper tries to measure the perceptions of the winners of SBIR projects from 2006 through 2011. This paper first of all adopts the model of transformation management and then conducts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The former includes Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The latter applies depth interview with the main participants to support the finding. Overall, this paper confirms that SBIR does have the effect of motivating businesses to invest in research and development. In addition, a set of procedural elements such as the level of interaction, communication and environmental support are found to be influential to the outcomes of the program.
