  • 期刊


The Portfolio of Regional Cooperation in the Yun- Chai-Nan Region & the Key Factors of Regional Cooperation Implementation


本文以實際參與輔導運作雲嘉南區域合作平台之經驗,除分析國內外相關區域治理的文獻外,並說明中央部會擬定臺灣區域合作之政策演變,與簡介雲嘉南區域合作平台之發展歷程與運作模式,同時進行各面向課題討論與SWOT 分析,以綜觀雲嘉南執行跨域合作之優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅。為深入了解落實區域合作之關鍵因素分析,本研究應用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),針對國內區域研究的專家學者與雲嘉南縣市之副首長與相關局處首長進行問卷調查,實證分析落實雲嘉南區域合作平台運作關鍵因素之相對權重,並發現最重要面向為「財政稅務面」與「行政法制面」等二項構面之整合與制定相關政策,特別是在財政稅務面中,「明定中央統籌稅款分配於區域合作平台運作比例」,並於「中央部會有專門經費編入」,將會直接有助於縣市政府合作意願與相對提高整合效益。而在行政法制構面之整合構面,「由共同上級業務主管機關統籌指揮」,有助於逐步導引地方政府降低本位主義與政治扞格,並可強化地方政府配合執行跨域治理政策。此外,建立長期及穩定的區域合作平台的管考組織與法制性位階,將可落實區域合作執行管考、人員訓練、計畫追蹤、議題研擬及討論、促進首長交流與互動等功能,以確保區域合作平台永續發展。


This research is the practical experience for tutoring the across boundary governance in the Yun- Chia-Nan Region. From analyzed the research about the region governance, concluded the regional cooperation policy evolution in Taiwan and discussed the issues and processed the SWOT analysis. This paper casted the questionnaire the deputy Heads of the Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Chiayi City, and Tainan City. Meanwhile, include the head of the relevant Council and experts. Then applied the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to define the key factors of regional cooperation implementation. We found the most important dimensions for the regional cooperation will be the “finance & tax policy” and “administrative & law policy”. The most important factor is the integration in the financial and tax policy, especially budgeted the specialized funds in the central government. Otherwise, the regional Collaboration needs the higher-level authorities to co-ordinate the command, it will conduct the local government to reduce the parochialism and political interference. Finally, to construct the long term and stable performance evaluation organization for the regional cooperation, will implement the regional cooperation, personnel training, project tracking, issue discuss, and enhance the communication and interactive among the administration heads.


