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A research on the sex life remarried old people


老年是人生漸入凋零的最後一期,從退休的瞬間頓時失去工作、身分、地位,包含消失的青春、健康,甚至經歷喪偶之可能。執子之手與子偕老,雖然婚姻是上天賜給的讚美,但終身結合也不是容易的事,總有人先走或再次獨身。在台灣越來越多的喪偶、失婚老人譜出黃昏之戀已經不稀奇,人人都希望愛與被愛得幸福,老年人也不例外。但是外界的眼光,子女的意見常常成為了老年人再婚的桎梏,尤其是女性長者再婚受到傳統的指責壓力更甚於男性老人。今天的婚姻,和一百年前的婚姻意義與社會功能已大不同。在標榜個人自由的今天,「陪伴」逐漸變成婚姻最重要的部分。正因如此,婚姻定義也涵蓋不同的年齡層(韋言,2006),老人渴望感情被認同的訴求,到坦然解除束縛,不少老年人還是勇敢選擇再婚,老人再婚的積極議題也顯示一個國家進步的程度,及其社會寬大的包容性。與相愛伴侶共同生活對老人的晚期生活具有重新開始的意義。老年人再婚的原因有很多,有心理上的需求,有生理上的需求,如避免孤獨冷寂、擺脫生活不便、豐富生活等等。但更重要的是拒絕年齡受到歧視,能夠得到尊重以及享有再婚的基本自由與權利的重視。本文章以質性取向,以不同背景的再婚男女老人為研究對象,研究方向如下: 一、了解當事人為何選擇再婚;二、婚後生活的滿意是否合乎期待;三、性與幸福的相關性;四、家庭解構改變及阻力來源為何;五、包括身體不同部位的性探索。研究採立意選樣法邀請8位再婚65歲以上男女性老人,以半結構性訪談的敘述法進行資料收集,資料分析脈絡是以國內外文獻、研究者與受訪者全程錄音訪談逐字稿,深入了解受訪者內在意義並呈現真實的訪談結果。


再婚 老人 性生活


When one gets to the last phase of life, it is very likely to face the moment of retirement, of losing their jobs, their social status, and of feeling the, disappearance of youth, health, and even the possibility of being a widow or widower. Although marriage is a praise that God gives us, the combination of two lives is nevereasy one life might wither first and this makes the other life single again. In Taiwan, there are more and more widows and widowers. Everyone longs for being loved and for loving someone. The elderly are no exception. As such, it is not uncommon for an elderly to fall in love again. However, the views of their children often become an obstacles to remarriage, especially for females. They are more conditioned by traditions. The notion of marriage today socially and functionally is very different from that of a hundred years ago. Nowadays, "companionship" is becoming the most important part of marriage. For this reason, the definition of marriage also covers different age groups, (Wei Yan, 2006).The elderly desire to be recognized by the demands of emotion. So many elderly people still bravely choose to remarry. And this action also, shows the degree of progress, and the generosity of the societies they live in. Living with a partner in love has a new meaning to the later life of the elderly. There are many reasons for the elderly to remarry, psychological needs such as to avoid loneliness, convenience of life, and so on. But more importantly, it is the rejection of age-based discrimination, respect and the enjoyment of the fundamental freedoms that the elderly pursue the rights of remarriage. In this paper, a qualitative research will be done with different backgrrection is as follows: First, to understand why these elderly choose to remarry; second, to understand the expectation of married life; third, the relevance of sex and happiness; fourth, the change of family construction and the source of resistance; and fifth, sexual exploration of different parts of the body. Eight remarried men and women who are aged 65 and over are recruited as subjects. The data were collected by semi-structured interview. The data analysis will be based on the domestic and international literature, researchers and interviewees to understand in depth and present the internal meaning of the interviewed results.


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