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A Study on the Influencce of mortality salience on Sexual Attraction


當人們意識到死亡的存在時,將不可避免的陷入焦慮之中,而為了緩解這種焦慮,會潛意識地改變其態度和行為,而其應對焦慮的機制是接受文化世界觀和提昇個人自尊。Greenberg等人提出恐懼管理理論(Terror Management Theory),用以解釋人們為何需要自尊來因應死亡的恐懼。在2006年Landau的研究發現,當一個男人感受到死亡危險,他可能會試圖與性感的女性拉遠距離甚至貶低她們,以此來使自己感覺好過一點;然而對女性而言,對於性感的女性吸引力的評價並未因此而減少。本研究旨在探討死亡顯著性(mortality salience)對性吸引力判斷的影響。研究嘗試使用內隱聯結測驗(Implicit Association Test)進行探究,首先藉由閱讀一篇有關死亡的文章,喚起參與者的死亡意念,接著在實驗中安排一些線索提示與設計,期望了解對於性吸引力的偏好如何受死亡顯著性的影響。


When people are aware of the existence of death, they will inevitably fall into anxiety. In order to alleviate such anxiety, they subconsciously alter their attitudes and behaviors. And their mechanism to deal with anxiety is to accept the cultural world outlook and enhance their self-esteem. Greenberg et al. propose Terror Management Theory to explain why people need self-esteem to cope with the fear of death. Landau's study in 2006 found that when a man feels the danger of death, he may try to feel better by trying to distance himself from the sexy women or even belittle them. For women, however, attractiveness ratings of alluring women have not diminished. This study aimed to investigate the impact of mortality salience on sexual attraction. The study attempted to use the Implicit Association Test, first by reading an article about the death, arousing the participants' idea of death. Then arranging some clues tips and designs, expect to see how preferences for sexual attraction will be affected by the significance of death.
