  • 期刊


A Preliminary Exploration of the Intersection of Marijuana Addiction, Depression and Violence among Drug-Using Inmates in Taiwan


研究背景:大麻成癮性、憂鬱和暴力犯罪之關聯性為毒品犯罪連結性中鮮少被探索的問題。本研究分析有無罹患憂鬱症之毒品犯受刑人大麻成癮與暴力犯罪的相互關係。研究方法:本研究從監獄招募研究參與者,採用自陳報告和成癮嚴重程度指數(ASI)評估受刑人之大麻成癮性、精神疾病和暴力犯罪狀況,並比較自陳有無罹患憂鬱症者之大麻成癮性和暴力犯罪之關係。研究結果:本研究共發放問卷1,260份,其中1,239份為有效樣本,男女回收率約為98%。在95%信心水準下,最大抽樣誤差為±2.72%。本研究結果指出,8.1%的研究參與者患有憂鬱症。負二項迴歸(Negative Binomial Regression, NBR)模型的結果指出,在控制性別、教育程度、年齡及其他精神疾病共病情形下,大麻成癮性與施用大麻後之暴力犯罪具顯著正相關(β=.264, OR= 1.302, p<.001),大麻成癮性每增加一個單位(分),其發生暴力犯罪之勝算比將增加30.2%。然而,憂鬱症和大麻成癮性之交互作用與暴力犯罪具顯著負相關(β=-.168, OR= 0.845, p<.01),有憂鬱症者之大麻成癮性每增加一個單位(分),其發生暴力行為之勝算比相對於無憂鬱症者,會少15.5%。結論:憂鬱症對大麻成癮性與暴力行為之相關性具有削弱之效果,在評估大麻成癮與暴力行為之間的關聯時,後續研究應將此種精神健康狀況的因素納入考量。


Background: The intersection of marijuana addiction, depression and violence is an underexplored issue in the drugs-violence nexus. The current analyses examine the interrelationships between marijuana addiction and violence among drug-using inmates both with and without depression. Method: Participants were recruited in Prison. We assessed inmates using the mental illness and violent crime records from self-reports, parts of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI). Marijuana-dependent participants with depression and violent behavior were compared to subjects without such self-reported problems. Results: A total of 1,260 questionnaires were issued, of which 1,239 were considered effective samples. The return rates for both men and women were around 98%. At the 95% confidence level, the maximum sample error was ±2.72%. The results demonstrate that 8.1% of the participants are suffered from depression. After we controlled age, gender, the level of education and other psychotic disorders, the results from negative binomial regression (NBR) model indicates that addiction to marijuana is associated with an approximately 30.2% greater odds for subsequent involvement of violent crimes (β= .264, OR= 1.302, p<.001). However, the degree of correlation is moderated by the depression (β= -.168, OR= 0.845, p<.01). Interactions between depression and marijuana addiction could predict violent crimes. However, Marijuana-dependent participants with depression reported less violent crimes. Conclusion: The occurrence of violent behaviors associated with addiction to marijuana is less intense in participants with depression than participants without such mental conditions. Follow-up studies should identify factors that may underlie these mental health conditions when evaluating the association between drug addiction and violence.
