  • 期刊


The Principle of Sukhavati in Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra


華嚴學中的《華嚴經》可分足本的晉譯《六十華嚴》、唐譯《八十華嚴》與散譯的唐譯《四十華嚴》為代表。本文以唐譯《八十華嚴》為主,入《四十華嚴》;以《四十華嚴》取代原《八十華嚴》中的第三十九品〈入法界品〉,而成為九十九卷本的《大華嚴經》。本文首先取《大華嚴經》中〈壽量品〉、〈入法界品解脫長者章〉、〈普賢行願品〉三處經文所載的極樂世界,接著以華嚴的法界觀闡述法身佛的淨土,並特別揭櫫〈普賢行願品〉中的淨土觀,最後並以「淨土的存在價值與意義」作總結。要目一、前言二、《大華嚴經》的淨土思想 (一)〈壽量品〉 (二)〈入法界品〉善財童子第五參「解脫長者章」 (三)〈十大願王〉所涉及的極樂世界「阿彌陀佛剎」問題三、法界說(一)一心法界說 (二)一真法界說 (三)法界與淨土1.約體而言2.約相而言3.約用而言四、〈普賢行願品〉中的淨土觀 (一)〈壽量品〉 (二)〈解脫長者章〉 (三)〈普賢行願品〉中的淨土之文五、結論:淨土的存在價值與意義


In Huayen Buddhism, 3 translated versions constitute Huayen Sutra. They are: 1. 60-volume Huayen (translated in Jin Dynasty) 2. 80-volume Huayen (translated in Tang Dynasty) 3. 40-volume Huayen The article is based on the new 99-volume Great Huayen Sutra. The 99-scroll Avatamsaka Sutra mainly consists of 80-volume Huayen, which chapter 39 "Entering the Dharma Realm" is replaced by 40-volume Huayen. The author first compared the descriptions between Sukhavati in the The Life span of Tathāgata. Entering the Dharma Realm - Relief Long Life section "Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra". From Avatamsaka Dharm Realm View, he further elaborated on Sukhavati of Dharmakāya to indicate the essence of Sukhavati in the "Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra". The article ends with the spiritual meaning and virtue of Sukhavati. 1. Preface 2. 3 descriptions about Sukhavati in (1) The Life span of Tathāgata (2) Entering the Dharma Realm (3) Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra 3. Dharm Realm View/ insight (1) The Dharma Realm Statement of One Mind (2) The Dharma Realm Statement of One Truth (3) Dharma Realm and Sukhavati 4. Sukhavati in Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra 5. Conclusion : The spiritual meaning and virtue of Sukhavati
