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A case of fever and rash; Dilemma of MRSA versus Kawasaki disease


Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute febrile systemic vasculitis that was first described by Kawasaki et.al in 1974. [1]. KD is regarded as an autoimmune disorder rather than an infectious disease. [2]. in the USA, where community acquired methicilline resistant staph (CA-MRSA) is now the most common pathogen (>50%) causing skin and soft tissue infections (particularly abscesses) acquired by outpatients, the number of these infections has nearly doubled in six years, and the main burden of MRSA infections, measured as the incidence per 100 000 inhabitants, now falls on the general population [3]. We present here a case report of a girl came with fever and rash and it had criteria of both diseases KD and CA-MRSA.


Kawasaki MRSA rash children
