  • 期刊


The "shape" of a soul? "Transgender drag / liquid love" and "intellectual beauty" in Lo yi-wei-wei's novel Knight


羅浥薇(1980-),臺灣新銳作家,2013年以羅浥薇薇筆名發表小說《騎士》,敘述留學倫敦攻讀文化理論博士那些年的「半自傳性」經歷。「我」是雙性戀者,擺盪於學術生涯、狂歡派對和公路漫游之間;燭照那純情與欲望共舞的多元性別烏托邦,力圖抵禦那歧視、粗礪的現實世界;文中關涉阿格麗希(Martha Argerich)、溫德斯﹙Wim Wenders﹚、麥昆(Alexander McQueen)等等當代文藝經典;思維博學深思而狂放不羈,文字璀燦華麗而落拓荒涼,引發筆者深究的興味。因此,本文參照相關的後現代以及酷兒理論(Queer theory),探討小說中的幾個關鍵議題:其一、小說如何展演殊異自賞的「跨性別/靈魂」扮裝美學。其二、小說如何反思酷兒操演性(Performativity)與異性戀矩陣(Heterosexual Matrix)的死亡齟齬。其三、文中「百科全書式」綿延邐迆的各式文化徵引,如何使小說幻化出如詩如偈、哲思慧語的美文風格。其四、小說如何「致敬」於歐洲新浪潮抒情電影與溫德斯經典公路電影。其五、小說如何展現變動不居的後現代液態愛。本文試圖從跨性扮裝美學、酷兒操演性、後現代液態愛、百科全書式書寫與互文等角度,深入解讀這本博學深思與璀燦荒涼雜揉的知性美文,希望能為這本感性知性兼具的優秀小說的論述,提供學理上的深度與廣度。


Lo yi-wei (1980-), a new Taiwan novelist, published the novel Knight in 2013 by Lo yi-wei-wei's pen name. She described the "semi-autobiographical" experience of studying for London's doctorate of cultural theory in those years. "I" is a bisexual, swinging between academic career, carnival party and road travel. Exploring the multi gender utopia that coexists with innocent and desire, trying to resist the discrimination and rough reality of the world. The novel is related to Martha Argerich, Wim Wenders, Alexander McQueen and some contemporary literature and art classics. Its thinking is erudite and wild, and its words are gorgeous and desolate, thus causing my research interests. Therefore, this article explores some key issues in the novel with reference to the related postmodern and Queer theory: first, how the novel displays the "Transgender / soul drag" aesthetics of the self-praise ; secondly, how does the novel reflect the death conflict on queer performativity and heterosexual matrix ; thirdly, in the novel "Encyclopedia Style" stretches of various cultural cited, how to make the novel output such as poetry, philosophy and wisdom of the beautiful article style; forth, how the novel "salutes" in the European new wave films and Winders' classic road movie; and fifth, how the novel shows the changeable of the postmodern liquid love. This paper attempts to study from the angles of transgender drag aesthetics, queer performativity, postmodern liquid love, encyclopedia writing and intertextuality, in order to depth interpretation of its erudite and splendid "high degree of knowledge bearers" and "intellectual beauty", hopes to provide academic depth and breadth for the discussion of this excellent novel with intellectuality and sensibility.


Lo yi-wei-wei Knight Postmodern Queer theory Liquid love
