  • 期刊

MRS 絕對定量分析平台-自動化系統之建立

Utilizing the Absolute Quantification of the MR Spectroscopy to Establish a Platform of the Automated Analysis System


取得磁振頻譜的原始資料,是進行磁振頻譜絕對定量分析的關鍵。然而,人工作業常因各種人為因素導致資料不完整,且事後必須消耗大量人力來校對資料的正確性。因此本論文的目的為建立自動化系統以取代人工存檔及分析的動作。本系統建置在Linux作業系統上,以Python 程式語言透過FTP 協定在各造影室的電腦中,針對頻譜資料檔案進行搜尋、日期比對、檔案傳送及儲存後,自動執行LCModel。再利用排程指令cron 在指定的時間執行Python 程式檔,完全自動化,並紀錄日誌檔案,自行監控執行狀況,若有異常則會自動發送電子郵件通知。本自動化系統不僅提升了資料庫的正確度及後續分析的可靠度外,而徹底免除人工作業,工作流程的大幅簡化,更使得放射師們更能專注在受檢病人上,進一步提升了服務品質及病人安全。最重要的是,此系統不僅完全自動化,而且免費!


The proper storage of the raw data is a crucial task for the absolute quantification of agnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). This study establishes a platform of the automated analysis system to replace the manual works and improve the accuracy of the spectrum database. This system programmed by Python language is capable of file storage and spectrum analysis automatically. Moreover, it is able to self-monitored by logging information about program’s execution and sends e-mail to inform administrator actively if any error occurs. The system is not only improving the accuracy of spectroscopy database, but also simplifying the workflows and completely exempting from manual works. Furthermore, simplifying workflow could make the radiographers pay more attention to patients and then increase healthcare quality and patient safety.
