  • 期刊


Reducing Patients Waiting Time in Peak Periods for X-ray Examination by QCC-A Study of Medical Center in Taipei


品管圈(Quality Control Circle, QCC)是指在同一工作環境或工作性質相近的人員自發性組成的小組,互相腦力激盪以解決現有的工作問題,提升品質管理的活動小組。近年來,隨著醫療便利性的上升,病人對於就診的追求已經不僅止於疾病的治療,病人對於時間管理的重視使就診時花費的等候時間,成為提升醫療服務品質的一個重要指標。本次研究針對門診及住院X光檢查等候時間進行品質改善,經由圈員相互討論、啟發並利用QCC七大手法,進行醫療品質改善。105年3月至8月改善前數據平均等候時間為11.2分鐘,標準差為8.16分鐘;改善後106年1月平均等候時間10.3分鐘,標準差1.94分鐘。改善後平均等候時間(下降8%)和其標準差(下降76%)均明顯下降,等候區大排長龍景象已不復見,縮短病人長時間等候帶來的不便,也減少了相關的抱怨與投訴,並且提升醫院的服務品質、增進團隊間的互助合作,進而提高醫院形象,獲得正面之評價。


品管圈 QCC X光 等候時間


QCC (Quality Control Circle)is composed of spontaneous people who works together or their jobs type are similar. They solve the work problems and elevate the quality management by brainstorming. Nowadays, with the convenience of medical service, patients need not only the medical treatment but also the time management. So the waiting time costs by clinics becomes an important standard to elevate medical service and medical quality. This research is aimed at improving the quality of the X-ray examination for outpatient and inpatient. QCC members improve the medical quality by discussion, inspiration and using the QCC 7 methods. Before the improvement, the average waiting time is 11.2 minutes from March to August in 2016, and the standard deviation is 8.16 minutes. While during the research, from September to December, the average waiting time decreases to 9.9 minutes, and the standard deviation is 4.18 minutes. And after all the improvement in January 2017, the average waiting time is 10.3 minutes, and the standard deviation is 1.94 minutes. The average waiting time and the standard deviation were decreased clearly. It is never seen the crowded of people in the waiting zone again. Shortening the long waiting time can decrease the inconvenience, reduce the related complaints, elevate the quality of medical service and the satisfaction of the patient and their family. It can also improve the hospital impression and acquire the positive evaluation.


Quality Control Circle QCC X-ray waiting time
