  • 期刊


A Cross-Sectional Study on the Acquisition of Chinese Le by CSL Learners in Taiwan


漢語動貌標記「了1」和句末助詞「了2」複雜的語法功能,是外籍華語學習者在學習過程中的難點,學界也對句末助詞「了2」的語法功能有不同的看法。本研究重新探討前人對「了2」提出之語法功能,並認為句末助詞「了2」應包含「強調話題相關性」之「完成貌」語法;以及「狀態改變」之「非完成貌」語法。接著,本研究根據「了」的語法功能設計試題,受試者為初、中、高級的外籍華語學習者,並藉由SPSS單因子變異數分析證實,外籍華語學習者習得「了」的語法功能的過程,符合Anderson(1984)提出的一對一原則(one to one principle),顯示學習者先習得「了1」和「了2」的「完成貌」語法功能,隨著程度提高才逐漸掌握「了2」的「非完成貌」語法功能。此外,本研究進一步針對學習者錯誤率較高的試題進行偏誤分析,探討錯誤的可能原因。最後,本研究建議以圖示教學法幫助外籍華語學習者準確掌握「了」的「完成貌」和「非完成貌」語法。


The grammatical function of Chinese le has always been a controversial issue in Chinese linguistics, and many CSL learners have been faced with great difficulties when it comes to the acquisition of le. Through the observation of Zhao's (1997) work, the CSL learners seem to follow a specific pattern when acquiring the grammatical functions of le. The tendency that they acquire the perfective reading of le before its imperfective reading serves as an evidence of Anderson's (1984) one to one principle. To further examine the correlation between Anderson's theory and CSL learners' acquisition of le, an experiment of seventy participants of CSL learners was conducted in the study. The result indicates that not only does CSL learners' acquisition of le follow Anderson's one to one principle, but also further proves that Chinese le indeed has perfective reading as well as imperfective reading. As for teaching enlightenment, it is suggested that temporal schema can be used to illustrate the grammatical functions of le; thus, it can help CSL learners understand the abstract readings of le.
