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Effects of Small-Scale Partial Dictation of English Word Variations on Taiwanese EFL University Students’ Listening Comprehension



本研究評估小型部份聽寫(partial dictation)英語變化音(English wordvariations)對台灣大學生英文聽力的影響力。參與本研究的人員包括二位有十年以上英語教學的大學女教師及六班修習大一英文的北台灣理工學院學生。本研究以方便取樣(convenient sampling)方式隨機將三班分配給A老師來教授,另外三班則給B老師。此大一英文為三學分之必修課,每週上課三節。原則上三分之一的授課時間著重聽力教學,三分之二的時間則著重閱讀、字彙與文法。此二位老師採統一教材及統一進度。聽力教材以Target Listening with Dictation (Zeter,2009)為主。此二位老師在聽力教學上唯一的不同處為A 老師著重用小型部份聽寫來教授英語變化音(為實驗組),而B 老師著重用小型部份聽寫來教授關鍵字(為控制組)。本研究採用由美國國防語言中心所設計的一份66 題的聽力測驗做為前測及後測,分別施測於第一週及第十六週。相依樣本T 檢定的結果顯示二組的學生在後測的聽力成績皆有顯著的進步;由此結果可以推論此二位老師的聽力教學可顯著提昇台灣大學生的英文聽力。雖然獨立樣本T 檢定的結果顯示二組在前測及後測的分數上無顯著差異,但在進步分數上(後測成績減前測成績)其p 值(p=.060)則接近顯著值(p<.05),此結果意味著實驗組聽力進步分數在某種程度上高於控制組。根據整體的研究結果,本研究建議英文老師可採用小型部份聽寫來教授英語變化音以有效增進英文學習者的聽力。此外,此二組的聽力進步分數之差異可能隨著學習時間增長而擴大或縮減,然而此推測需長期的研究來檢測之。


This study evaluates effects of teaching English word variations (EWVs) with small-scale partial dictation on Taiwanese EFL university students' listening comprehension. Participants included two experienced female English teachers and six Freshman English classes of Engineering majors at a university in northern Taiwan. Each teacher was randomly assigned to teach three intact classes, each meeting three periods per week: approximately two periods for reading instruction and one for listening activities. Overall listening instructional time was about twelve periods per class, six before and after midterm exam in Week 9. Teaching materials for reading, vocabulary, and listening were identical. Both teachers taught eight units of unified listening textbook, Target Listening with Dictation (Zeter, 2009) a semester with four units before and after midterm exam. The only difference between these teachers' listening instruction is that Teacher A focused more on teaching English word variations (Experimental Group), Teacher B listening for key words (Control Group). Teacher A also gave a fifty-minute EWV instruction, mainly focusing on flap t, four types of linking (i.e., C-V, V-V, C-C, C-V), two types of deletion (i.e., th-, h-deletion), and reduction of function words (e.g., and pronounced as an or a). The Listening section of an American Language Course Placement Tests (ALCPT) was employed as pretest and posttest to assess participants' listening comprehension in Weeks 1 and 16. Results of paired-samples t tests show both groups made significant improvement on posttest, suggesting both teachers' listening instruction as effective. Results of independent-samples t tests indicate the Experimental Group receiving more EWV instruction and practice obtained higher mean gain score (posttest minus pretest) than the Control Group, though the distinction (p=.060) did not quite reach significant level (p<0.05). Based on the overall results of this study, EFL teachers are advised to teach EWVs with partial dictation to enhance students' English listening comprehension. Moreover, discrepancy in gain score between groups may either diminish or expand over time, which calls for a longitudinal study.
