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From the Perspective of Criminal Investigations to Discuss the Combination of Local Police Station and the Criminal Team of Police Organizations-The Solution of the Problem-Oriented Model as an Example


警察角色功能之扮演,依刑事法而論,應係以偵查犯罪為主。司法院大法官會議第392 號解釋致檢警共用24 小時突顯警察內部組織改革方案之肇生。本文係以問題導向警政(Problem-Oriented Policing,POP)中之問題導向理念(ProblemSolving),及以SARA 模式解決組織內部問題;既然問題源於偵查時間之限縮,則為爭取偵查時效,將原本在警察分局等待被動接受分駐(派出)所陳報刑案,再據以辦理移送檢察署之偵查隊刑事人員派駐分駐(派出)所合署辦公,就近提早介入刑案偵處,即實施所謂「所隊合一」,即派出所與刑事偵查隊合一辦公,為近年警察發展變革中因應偵查犯罪困境的型態,藉以說明問題導向解決模式,不僅能解決外部的犯罪問題,也能對於內部組織問題對症下藥。


Police Role and Function of play, in accordance with the terms of the criminal law is to detect crime. Section 392 of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation To prosecutors and police to share 24 hours highlight the reform of police internal organization. This article is problem-oriented policing (POP) in the problem solving concept and SARA mode address within the organization. Since the problem stems from the detection time limit reduction, the fight for the detection of aging, the original passive acceptance points in the reported criminal cases in the police station waiting for then, according to the criminal officers would be deployed to handle the transfer of the Public Prosecutor's Office investigation team points in the joint office nearest office of the detection of crime in the early intervention, namely the implementation of the so-called "team unity", which is the police station and the criminal investigation team, one office for the transformation of police development in recent years due to the investigation of crimes, the plight of type. In order to illustrate the problem-oriented model, can not only solve the problem of external crime, can prescribe the right medicine for internal organizational issues.
