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Analyze the students' physical fitness of National Defense University during the academic year


本研究之目的在比較國防大學學生就學期間基本體能成績之差異情形。本研究是以國防大學學生男生138 名、女生16 名為研究對象,採縱貫研究法(longitudinal study)。並以國防部99 年所公佈之新制基本體能施測項目:2 分鐘仰臥起坐、2 分鐘俯地挺身、3000 公尺徒手跑步,於每學期開學後的第7 週進行檢測,蒐集受試者1 至4 年級基本體能資料,將所獲得之資料以SPSS12.0 中文版套裝軟體進行分析,包括描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析(Oneway ANOVA)、薛費法(scheffe);本研究統計分析均採α=.05 的顯著水準。研究結果發現:一、國防大學學生在96-99 學年度基本體能成績表現上,以99 學年度表現較好、96 學年度表現較差;二、在身體質量指數表現方面,男、女學生數值有逐年下降的趨勢;三、在2 分鐘仰臥起坐表現方面,男、女學生皆有較穩定之表現;四、在2 分鐘俯地挺身方面,以男學生表現較好,女生學生表現較差;五、在3000 公尺徒手跑步方面,男、女學生皆呈現逐年進步的趨勢。綜合上述得知,國防大學學生在身體質量指數、心肺耐力方面表現較好,女學生則在上肢肌力及肌耐力表現較差。因此,本研究結果可獲知國防大學學生就學期間基本體能成績狀況,並可作為體育課程內容設計之重要指標。


國防大學 體能


This research was based on students' physical fitness from freshmen to four year in National Defense University (NDU) during the academic year of 96 to 99 using the longitudinal study. The subjects include 138 male and 16 female students. Students were evaluated with the following health indexes, announced by Ministry of Education, at the 7th week of each academic year: 2-minute-sit-up, 2-minute-push-up and 3000 meters run. The data was analyzed by descriptive analysis, One-way ANOVA, and Scheffe; the level was set at .05. The results showed that there is no significant difference among NDU students of 96-99 academic years. (p<.05). Moreover, the body composition index of male students was decreasing by year, implying that a well-controlled weight plan. Male students had better performance in push-up than female students. Both male and female students had yearly increasing performance in cardiopulmonary endurance, yet they had stable performance in sit-ups. Based on the above statements, NDU's students had relatively best result in body composition and cardiopulmonary endurance; however, female students had relatively worse result in push-up. The results of this study present the physical fitness of NDU's students and contribute to the future curriculum design of physical education.
