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從臺閩日佛教的互動看尼僧 在臺灣的發展

The Development of the Nuns Order in Taiwan: An Overview from the Perspective of Taiwanese- Hokkien-Japanese Buddhist Interaction




By the end of the 20th Century the female Sangha in Taiwan have had brilliant achievements in the areas of education, charity, and environmental protection. This is attributed to the fact that the level and quality of education within the female Sangha can stand up to society's standards. However, even though this achievement has been built on Taiwan's extensive contemporary education, the historical background of the local Taiwanese Sangha should not be ignored. Even though Buddhism now has a 400-year history in Taiwan, no great Buddhist master emerged there until the Japanese occupation in 1895, probably because the island's environment at that time did not necessitate one. But it should also be taken into account that Buddhist institutions in Taiwan at that time did not have any qualified Sangha to give precepts and, as a result, the cleric had to travel to Kushan Mountain in Fujian in order to receive precepts and ordination. The despondent mood of the Chinese Buddhist environment was also a factor. After the Japanese occupation, however, efforts were made in the area of education. The Taiwan Buddhist Middle School and the Nan Yin Buddhist Association were established in the 6th and 10th year of the emperor Taisho's reign respectively, with the objective of cultivating Buddhist Sangha and alms donors. Local monasteries also began to have independent preceptors. From the above-mentioned perspective, this research paper analyses Buddhist interaction in Taiwan and Hokkien; the ordination of Taiwanese Sangha in Kushan Mountain and, after the 42nd year of Meiji's reign, in local Taiwanese monasteries; the emergence of the Bikkhuni in the 8th year of Taisho's reign; the establishment of three major nunneries; and developments within the general populace.




大野育子(2009)。日治時期佛教菁英的崛起 –以曹洞宗駒澤大學台灣留學生為中心〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00269
